Bus Transit PSA
A bus transit PSA, such as this professionally produced animated video, communicates to bus riders what courteous bus behavior looks like.
Septic System Video
This septic system video explains a way of disposing household wastewater used by nearly 25 percent of the US population. Proper maintenance is key.
Voter Registration Training Video
This voter registration training video for frontline canvassers in PA identifies common form errors so as to reduce new form rejections.
Early Career and Mentoring Opportunities Video
This Early Career and Mentoring Opportunities Video example is one of many conference promotional videos, a specialty of MiniMatters.
Anti-Racism and Healthcare Intersection Video
This Anti-Racism and Healthcare Intersection Video identifies some of the roadblocks that must be removed to achieve a more equitable health care system.
Campaign Highlights Video Reel
A campaign highlights video, such as this "What is POP?" reel, showcases an organization's accomplishments to recruit young professionals into the exciting fields of prosthetics, orthotics, and pedorthics.
Aplastic Anemia Medical Advances Video
This Aplastic Anemia medical advances video shares the latest research and treatments for patients and other stakeholders eager to know.
Donation Request Video
This Donation Request Video from a cancer patient explains how donations provide patient support and education, as well as resources for bladder cancer research.
Pitch Video for Incubator Competition
MiniMatters produced this Pitch Video featuring Dr. Edsel Salvaña for the IDea Incubator Innovator of the Year competition.
FMLA Video for Patients
Scenarios are one of the most effective forms of training--and video is a great way to present them as shown in this FMLA video for patients.