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Planned Giving

A collection of planned giving video samples and tips. Learn ways planned giving donor stories and donor testimonials can generate planned giving leads, enhance donor stewardship, and inspire significant contributions to your organization. Samples touch on a variety of planned gift vehicles (wills and trusts, beneficiary designations, IRA rollovers, CGAs and more) that meet the needs and wishes of your fundraising prospects.

Gift Planning Videos Can Be Fun

March 14th, 2023|Animated Video, Fundraising Videos, Planned Giving, Video Marketing, Video Storytelling|

Gift planning videos…fun?

Do you think of gift planning, videos, and fun in combination? It’s been drummed into us that gift-planning marketing is an awkward task. To be successful, we need to avoid speaking about death and mortality. And yet, we […]

Planned Gift Disclosure – A Video to Inspire & Energize Donors

July 21st, 2020|Fundraising Videos, Planned Giving, Video Inspiration, Video Storytelling|

Planned gift disclosure can make a huge difference for nonprofits and foundations–which often don’t know whether donors have included them in estate plans until after the donors’ death. With more legacy gift information, organizations can plan innovatively by estimating their […]

Animated Video Gets Donors to Raise Hands for Planned Giving

January 8th, 2016|Planned Giving|

Animated video is a useful planned giving tool. In 2015, the National Center for Homeopathy (NCH) used this customizable, animated video from MiniMatters to reach their members via the web, email blasts and social media, and raise awareness around planned […]

Donor Stories Are Perfect for Planned Giving Programs

October 22nd, 2013|Planned Giving|

There is growing interest in using donor stories in planned giving marketing, and MiniMatters was invited to show some donor story videos—and present about some of the science that supports this marketing method—at the Partnership for Philanthropic Planning‘s 2013 […]
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