It’s certainly possible that this is true, but are you sure? Video is a powerful tool, and organizations are realizing more and more potential for its use. We were struck by the Web Video Marketing Council and Flimp Media’s study linked here of seasoned marketing professionals, which describes a fairly wide range of uses for video with growing popularity. Seventeen percent are even using video for internal communications. If we’d been asking the questions we would have delved deeper into the question of social media–Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and Vimeo are all social media, and we suspect that people are using them all, but to different effect and for different reasons. We also suspect that video is enhancing email communications that aren’t, strictly speaking, marketing. Have you or your organization used video in a new way recently? What was the result?  We’d love to hear of ways you’ve used it. Pop us an email and maybe we can even feature your success! If MiniMatters can help you use this tip or serve your other video needs, we’d love to talk with you at 301-339-0339 or via email at [email protected].