How to Make a LinkedIn Profile Video
A LinkedIn Profile Video can help build your personal brand; promote your organization; and engage with your colleagues, recruiters, potential employers, customers, or donors. What is a LinkedIn Profile Video? You're probably used to [...]
ASL Commercial with Picture in Picture
You've likely seen an ASL Commercial with Picture in Picture of an American Sign Language interpreter. With critical public health and safety messages, it's important to reach all groups in society--and this includes Deaf [...]
Recording Presentation with Video
Recording a presentation with video can be customized to your number of speakers, desired layout, colors, branding, text -- and in a way that is far more dynamic and professional than a standard Zoom, [...]
YouTube Channel Art Tips
One of our more popular posts is about YouTube Channel Art, so we've updated it for 2021. YouTube Channel Art, also known as the banner or banner art, is a key place to make [...]