Here at MiniMatters, most of our clients make video with the express intention of sharing it on the web–on YouTube, their organization’s website, and elsewhere on the web. It’s easy and convenient, and so many people are watching video on the web that it just makes sense. But it’s not unusual for our clients to consider using DVDs to distribute as well. Here are some important things to know about that.

A black DVD player with a remote control on top of it

Sometimes there are better options than using DVDs

Regular DVDs are standard definition; making them requires compressing both HD video and its audio. This means that DVDs have lower quality than videos distributed on the web. Blu-Ray disks have high quality, but Blu-Ray players aren’t (yet) ubiquitous. It’s no good to plan to show a Blu-Ray disk if there’s no player available. Some alternatives to using DVDs or Blu-Ray disks include: 
  • Visiting a customer or donor? Instead of bringing a DVD, bring a laptop or tablet with the high-quality digital file on it. It’s particularly easy to hand a tablet over to your intended audience, and Ipads have beautiful images.
  • For conferences, while using DVDs might have been normal in times past, big screens make the lower resolution of a standard definition DVD apparent. Venue AV staff typically know how to work with digital files that they can run through a projector. Your video will typically fit on a mini flash drive. Remember to test it on a different computer before you leave.
In recent years, high-definition video has become very common, and you may find that using DVDs that looked just fine to you a few years ago produces results that seem grainy or muddy. Video has become a very sparkly medium, and your audience may miss that when it’s not present.

Using DVDs is easy

Photo of a stack of DVDs with two custom DVDs in cases and two thumb drivesAll that said, DVDs still have a role to play in video distribution. When sharing videos with donors, customers, and local chapters of your organization, if they do not have computers with projectors or if they meet in places where a computer isn’t available, a DVD is a great way to share video with groups too big to gather around a single iPad. Donors less comfortable with new technology may also find it easier to pop in a DVD rather than deal with a digital file. If MiniMatters can help you with business video, fundraising video, association video, or other video production needs, we’d love to provide an estimate through our online form, talk with you at 301-339-0339, or communicate via email at [email protected]. We serve associations, foundations, nonprofits, and businesses primarily in Washington, DC, Maryland, and northern Virginia.