It might seem redundant to invest time in making your YouTube channel fancy when you already show your videos on your Web site.  Or, maybe Vimeo is your online video platform of choice.  Why put extra time into YouTube? Here are just three reasons:

  • Google is YouTube’s corporate big daddy, and Google seems to give YouTube preference in search rankings – especially in video searches.
  • YouTube gets a lot of traffic and if you tag your videos appropriately and truly use YouTube as the social media platform it is, you’ll get some of that traffic.
  • For nonprofits, there’s a special YouTube Nonprofit Program just for you that’s completely free and has a variety of benefits.

Our client Shizumi Kodomo Dance Troupe is part of the nonprofit program:

 Shizumi Kodomo Japanese Dance Troupe YouTube Channel

Especially check out the “donate to this organization” Google Checkout module in the prime upper-right area of the front page (with the blue button). With this feature, potential donors can donate to you without exiting YouTube! Another feature we like is that you can create a clickable overlay button that shows while a video plays, not unlike the type of customized button MiniMatters can provide to include on our video players.  You also get extra options for customizing your page. All in all, it’s worth applying for.

It can take a while to get approved, but that’s all the more reason to start applying today.  And if you want to get started on developing your YouTube channel(s), MiniMatters can help.

If MiniMatters can help you use this tip or serve your other video needs, we’d love to talk with you at 301-339-0339 or via email at [email protected].