Uploading videos to Facebook is really very easy, which is one reason we think everyone should do so. You can do it right from your timeline or your newsfeed.
If you use Facebook with any regularity, you’ve probably been noticing since December the effects of Facebook autoplay–just loading a page with a video on it causes the video to play, although sound doesn’t kick in until you click on […]
Facebook’s move to compete with Twitter’s Vine app by adding Instagram videos is just one more data point showing the importance of video in interacting with your stakeholders. Here’s how Kobe Bryant’s Instagram video, which shows a slice of his life […]
Facebook’s best practices say that a posting that has a video will have 100% more engagement than the average posting–that’s more than twice as much. (You’ll find it on the first page of “BUILDING ESSENTIAL CONNECTIONS: Engaging your audience by […]