Gift planning videos…fun?

Do you think of gift planning, videos, and fun in combination? It’s been drummed into us that gift-planning marketing is an awkward task. To be successful, we need to avoid speaking about death and mortality. And yet, we need to convey what kind of gift we are asking for from potential donors.

Actually, we can take a straightforward, optimistic approach to marketing planned gifts. They are, after all, a realization of people’s wishes and something to celebrate. And fun gift-planning videos do exist!  Here’s the proof from a hospital foundation and two different universities:

Bequests Video for University of Maryland – Baltimore (featuring characters modeled on UMBF donors)

Fun and Inspirational Gift Planning Marketing is Effective

As research by Dr. Russell James shows, donors contemplating planned gifts engage the visually oriented parts of their brains (refer especially to chapter 7), are attracted to stories where the donors themselves are the hero, and respond better to well-chosen words. These animated videos have all of that, as well as fun and inspiration.

Results & Many Uses

Our clients have gotten immediate responses of gift disclosures and requests for conversation by sharing these sorts of videos via email and social media channels. They can also be:

  • shown at a donor event:
  • shared at a donor meeting on an iPad or via Zoom;
  • included in an email follow up to a meeting;
  • linked from the footers of gift officer emails;
  • used on a planned giving website – we recommend “above the fold”;
  • included in a YouTube Channel and playlists; and
  • many other options.

And they are largely evergreen with no additional costs, allowing for reuse whenever the time is right. For example, they can be used when CGA rates are going to change, when there’s a new campaign, or at specific times of year suited to that type of giving.

Promote Various Gift Planning Vehicles with a Set

MiniMatters offers these fun, customized gift planning videos individually or in discounted sets in case you want to cover several different types of gift planning methods. You can rest assured that your videos will truly be aligned with your branding and messages. And since MiniMatters is familiar with gift planning, we can take the burden off of you in drafting a script that matches your needs and works well for animation. We’ll, of course, incorporate your input.

Great Return on Investment

Compared to print-based marketing, the cost for gift planning videos is low. However, the enjoyment of the audience and return on investment is high. As we know, people feeling happy tend to be more generous!

Fill out our online estimate form and we’re happy to answer questions about how the animated video process works and provide pricing.

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Are you looking for a video production company to help with your video communications?

We can assist you with inspiring ideas, powerful storytelling & professional production.
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