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Small Business and Nonprofit Business Opportunity – Apply to BizClips Now to Win

February 11th, 2014|Featured, Uncategorized|

It’s our pleasure at MiniMatters to partner with SCORE, a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses, and Brother International, a premier provider of print and communications products and […]

Recent Statistics on Online Video Growth and What They Mean for Nonprofits

October 29th, 2013|Featured, Uncategorized|

Google published the results of a study in September which they did in partnership with Millward Brown Digital of two million Americans who had researched a non-profit within the past 12 months; Pew Research released […]

A Video Discussion Guide and 6 Ways to Use It To Achieve Successful Videos

January 29th, 2013|Featured|

You know you are ready for video, but how do you guide the internal discussion about video at your organization so that your project moves forward promptly, with clarity, and with everyone happily on board?  Could you use a
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